

Pastor Paul Lint

Who is Pastor Paul?

It is a gift to be able to share with you all how I self-identify. I am a husband to Brenda, a father to 9 who are stuck with me forever, and many, many more who are a part of my crew because of foster care, being staff at camp, or just through chosen “family” relationships. As a follower and lover of Jesus Christ, I strive to love well all whom God loves (yes, that is everyone.) I am a strong believer in diversity of all kinds. Our world, our communities, and our churches are better when we embrace each person as a unique and beloved Child of God. I am constantly formed and reformed by the messy and beautiful story that is the Biblical Narrative. I strive to be relational, believing that it is through relationship that God works and that the Good News is how far God will go to be in relationship with each of us and all of us together. I love history most richly recognized in hearing your stories and reflecting upon what your story tells us about our world and our God. I am a math geek, a passionate collector and player of board games, a huge fan of great music which I love to talk about and experience with others, a fan of musicals and other theater, a fan of local sports, and an adventurous partaker of foods from around the world.