Youth Page

Join the youth group

Sunday Worship

We welcome youth 6th grade & up to join us from 10am-11am downstairs in our youth group room for teen-based bible discussion, engaging activities, and worship in a cozy, fun space with Brenda Lint & Brenda Swanson!

Other Information: 

We’re working on putting together more events for our youth!

Please keep a lookout on our calendars, Facebook pages, and printed/emailed announcements for upcoming events.

If you are interested to learn more about the activities we are putting together for youth, please reach out to our Church Office for more information! 

Special Events

DakYouth—This weekend event for all youth grades 6-12 is held in Aberdeen in November
and invites youth from all over the Dakotas to join together for worship, teaching,
games and special entertainment.

Winter Connection — Overnight youth retreat held at Storm Mt. Camp just outside of Rockerville where youth from western SD
gather for activities, worship, service and fun!

Mission Trips — Separate mission trips for Middle School and High School students take

place in the summer. Fund-raising helps generate the money for attendees.


Parents are key to youth spiritual faith development and the success of youth ministry depends on YOU!

We would love to have you volunteer to drive or chaperone for events. OR come and provide a
meal sometime during the year.

Can we help you? Let us know how we can support you as a parent!

Like our Youth Group Facebook Page

For more children/youth/family upcoming events and information: